Shamoon, H., T. Dayan, and D. Saltz. Indirect cattle grazing effects on endangered mountain gazelles (Gazella gazella) in Mediterranean natural landscapes. Journal of Wildlife Management (MS submitted for publication). 2016.
Levy, O., T. Dayan, W.P. Porter, and N. Kronfeld-Schor. Time and ecological resilience: can diurnal animals compensate for climate change by shifting to nocturnal activity? Ecology Letters (MS submitted for publication). 2016
Yanai, Z., T. Dayan, H. Mienis, and A. Gasith. Pet shops and plant nurseries as vectors for introduction and dispersal of non-indigenous freshwater mollusks. Biological Invasions (MS submitted for publication). 2016.
Shamoon, H., D. Saltz, and T. Dayan. Fine scale temporal and spatial population fluctuations of medium sized carnivores in a Mediterranean agricultural matrix. Landscape Ecology (MS submitted for publication). 2016.
Katz, N., T. Dayan, and N. Kronfeld-Schor. Fitness effects of interspecific competition between two species of desert rodents. Integrative and Comparative Biology (MS submitted for publication). 2016.
Armiach, I., I. Bernstein, Y. Tang, T. Dayan, and E. Gavish-Regev. Activity-density data reveal community structure of Lycosidae at a Mediterranean shrubland. Arachnologische Mitteilungen/Arachnology Letters 52:16-24. 2016.
Sapir-Hen, L., T. Dayan, H. Khalaily, and N. D. Munro. Human Hunting and Nascent Animal Management at Middle Pre-Pottery Neolithic Yiftah'el, Israel. PLoS ONE (in press). 2016.
Kark, S., W.J. Sutherland, U. Shanas, K. Klass, H. Achisar, T. Dayan, Y. Gavrieli, R. Justo-Hanani, Y. Mandelik, N. Orion, D. Pargament, M. Portman, O. Reisman-Berman, U.N. Safriel, G. Schaffer, N. Steiner, I. Tauber, and N. Levin. Priority Questions and Horizon Scanning for Conservation: A Comparative Study: PLoS ONE 11(1): e0145978. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0145978. 2016.
Sapir-Hen, L., G. Bar-Oz, I. Sharon, and T. Dayan. Wet-sieving and complex tell: implications for retrieval protocols and studies of animal economy in historical periods. Journal of Archaeological Science (MS submitted for publication). 2016.
Levy, O., T. Dayan, W.P. Porter, and N. Kronfeld-Schor. Foraging activity pattern is shaped by water loss in a diurnal desert rodent. The American Naturalist (in press). 2016.
Kronfeld-Schor, N., D. Dominoni, H. de la Iglesia, O. Levy, E.D. Herzog, T. Dayan, and C. Helfrich-Forster.. Chronobiology by moonlight. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280(1765): Article # 20123088. 2013.
Justo-Hanani, R., and T. Dayan. Explaining transatlantic policy divergence: the case of nanotechnology risk regulation and the importance of domestic politics and policy styles. Global Environmental Politics. 2014.
Justo-Hanani, R., and T. Dayan European Risk Governance of Nanotechnology: Explaining the Emerging Regulatory Policy. Research Policy (in press).
Cohen-Shacham, E., T. Dayan, R.S. de Groot, C. Beltrame, F. Guillet, and E. Feitelson. Using the ecosystem services concept to analyse stakeholder involvement in wetland management. Wetlands Ecology and Management DOI 10/1007s11273-014-9375-1. 2014.
Kronfeld-Schor, N., D. Dominoni, H. de la Iglesia, O. Levy, E.D. Herzog, T. Dayan, and C. Helfrich-Forster.. Chronobiology by moonlight. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280(1765): Article # 20123088. 2013.
Kronfeld-Schor, N., and T. Dayan. The thermal ecology, environments, communities, and global change: energy intake and expenditure in endotherms. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 44:461-480. 2013.
Sapir-Hen, L., G. Bar-Oz, I. Sharon, A. Gilboa, and T. Dayan. Food, Economy, and Culture at Tel Dor Israel: A Diachronic Study of Faunal Remains from 15 Centuries of Occupation. BASOR 371:83-101. 2014.
Karin, T., G. Bar-Oz, S. Bunimovitz, Z. Lederman, and T. Dayan. Geography and economic preferences as cultural markers in a border town: the faunal remains from Tel Beth-Shemesh, Israel. International Journal of Osteoarcheology DOI: 10.1002/oa.2309. 2013.
Justo-Hanani, R., and T. Dayan. The Role of the State in Regulatory Policy for Nanomaterials Risk: Analyzing the Expansion of State-Centric Rulemaking in EU and US Chemicals Policies. Research Policy 43(1):169-178. 2014.
Levy, O., T. Dayan, S. Rotics, and N. Kronfeld-Schor. Foraging hierarchy, energy intake, and torpor: an individual-based field study of energy balancing in desert golden spiny mice. Ecology Letters 15(11):1240-1248. 2012.
Levy, O., T. Dayan, N. Kronfeld-Schor, and W. Porter. Biophysical modeling of the temporal niche: from first principles to the evolution of activity patterns. American Naturalist 179(6):794-804. 2012.
Vonshak, M,, T. Dayan, and A. Hefetz. Interspecific displacement mechanisms by the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata. Biological Invasions 14(4):851-861. 2012.
Sapir-Hen, L., G. Bar-Oz, I. Sharon, A. Gilboa, and T. Dayan. Understanding faunal contexts of a complex tell: Tel Dor, Israel, as a case study. Journal of Archaeological Science 15(1):171-180. 2012.
Mandelik, Y., T. Dayan, V. Chikatunov, and V. Kravchenko. The relative performance of taxonomic vs. environmental indicators for local biodiversity assessment: a comparative study. Ecological Indicators 15:171-180. 2012.
Gutman, R., T. Dayan, I. Schubert, O. Levy, and N. Kronfeld-Schor. The effect of the lunar cycle on stress hormone levels and foraging ecology of nocturnal and diurnally active spiny mice. PLOS 6(8):1-9(e23446). 2011.
Cohen-Shacham, E., T. Dayan, E. Feitelson, and R.S. de Groot. Ecosystem service tradeoffs in wetland management: drainage and rehabilitation of the Hula, Israel. Hydrological Sciences Journal 56(8):1582-1601. 2011.
Levy, O., T. Dayan, and N. Kronfeld-Schor. Interspecific competition and torpor in golden spiny mice: two sides of the energy acquisition coin. Integrative and Comparative Biology 51(3):441-448. 2011.
Meiri, S., D. Simberloff, and T. Dayan. Community-wide character displacement in the presence of clines: A test of Holarctic weasel guilds. Journal of Animal Ecology 80(4):824-834. 2011.
Loos, J., T. Dayan, N. Drescher, T. Levanony, E. Maza, B. Schacham, R. Talbi, T. Assmann. Habitat preferences of the Levant Green Lizard Lacerta media israelica, (Peters, 1964). Zoology in the Middle East 52:17-28. 2011.
Smith, F.A., A.G. Boyer, J.H. Brown, D.P. Costa, T. Dayan, S.K.M. Ernest, A.R. Evans, M.Fortelius, J.L. Gittleman, M.J. Hamilton, L.E. Harding, K. Lintulaakso, S.K. Lyons, C. McCain, J.G. Okie, J.J. Saarinen, R.M. Sibly, P.R. Stephens, J. Theodor and M.D. Uhen. The tempo and mode of body mass evolution in terrestrial mammals. Science 330(6008):1216-1219. 2010.
Rotics, S. T, Dayan, and N. Kronfeld-Schor. Light masking in the field: an experiment with nocturnal and diurnal spiny mice. Chronobiology International 28(1):70-75. 2011.
Rotics, S., T. Dayan, and N. Kronfeld-Schor. The effect of artificial illumination on temporally partitioned spiny mice. Journal of Mammalogy 92(1):159-168. 2011.
Levy, O., T. Dayan, and N. Kronfeld-Schor. Diurnal desert golden spiny mice increase torpor use in summer: A field enclosure study. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 84(2):175-184. 2011.
Westphal, C., G. Von Oheimb, M. Meyer-Grunfeld, N. Tremer, W. Hardtle, T. Levanony, T. Dayan, and T. Assmann. Ya’ar Bar’am – An old Quercus calliprinos forest of high nature conservation value in the Mediterranean region of Israel. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 57:13-23. 2009.
Buse, J., T. Levanony, A. Timm, T. Dayan, and T. Assmann. Saproxylic beetle assemblages in the Mediterranean region: Impact of forest management on richness and structure. Forest Ecology and Management 259:1376-1384. 2010.
Justo-Hanani, R., T. Dayan, and A. Tal. The role of regulatory decision-making on non-indigenous species introductions. Biological Invasions 12(8):2815-2824. 2010.
Vonshak, M., T. Dayan, A. Ionesco-Hirsch, A. Freidberg, and A. Hefetz. The little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata: a new invasive species in the Middle East. Biological Invasions 12(6):1825-1837. 2010.
Timm, A., J. Buse, T. Dayan, W. Hardtle, T. Levanony, and T. Assmann. At the interface of historical and present-day ecology: ground beetles in woodlands and open habitats in Upper Galilee (Israel). Zoology in the Middle East 47:93-104. 2009.
Vonshak, M., T. Dayan, J. Foucaud, A. Estoup, and A. Hefetz. The interplay between genetic and environmental effects on colony insularity in the clonal little fire and Wasmannia auropunctata. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 63(11):1667-1677. 2009.
Sapir-Hen, L., G. Bar-Oz, H. Khalaily, and T. Dayan. Gazelle exploitation in the early Neolithic site of Motza: the last of the gazelle hunters in the southern Levant. Journal of Archaeological Science 36:1538-1546. 2009.
Vonshak, M., T. Dayan, and N. Kronfeld-Schor. Community structure of rocky desert rodents: Diel, seasonal, and spatial resource variation. Journal of Arid Environments 73(4-5):458-462. 2009.
Buse, J., T. Levanony, A. Timm, T. Dayan, and T. Assmann. Saproxylic beetle assemblages of three managed oak woodlands in the East-Mediterranean. Zoology in the Middle East 45:55-66. 2008.
Meiri, S., T. Dayan, D. Simberloff, and R. Greyner. Life on the edge: Carnivore body size is all over the place. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276:1469-1476. 2009.
Bar-David, S., D. Saltz, T. Dayan, and Y. Shkedy. Using spatially expanding populations as a tool for evaluating landscape planning: the Persian fallow deer as a case study. Journal for Nature Conservation 16:164-174. 2008.
Roll, U., T. Dayan, D. Simberloff, and H.K. Mienis. Non-indigenous land- and freshwater gastropods in Israel. Biological Invasions 11:1963-1972. 2009.
Meiri, S., D. Guy, T. Dayan, and D. Simberloff. Global change and carnivore body size: data are stasis. Global Ecology and Biogeography 18:240-247. 2009.
Zohar, I., M. Belmaker, D. Nadel, S. Gafny, M. Goren, I. Hershkovitz, and T. Dayan. The living and the dead: How do taphonomic processes modify relative abundance and skeletal completeness of freshwater fish? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 258:292-316. 2008.
Roll, U., T. Dayan, and D. Simberloff. Non-indigenous terrestrial vertebrates in Israel and adjacent areas. Biological Invasions 10(5):659-672. 2008.
Meiri, S., T. Dayan, and D. Simberloff. Guild composition and mustelid morphology – character displacement but no character release. Journal of Biogeography 34(12):2148-2158. 2007.
Mandelik, Y., V. Chikatunov, V. Kravchenko, and T. Dayan . Reliability of a higher-taxon approach to richness, rarity, and composition assessments at the local scale. Conservation Biology 21(6):1506-1515. 2007.
Levy, O., T. Dayan, and N. Kronfeld-Schor. The relationship between the golden spiny mouse circadian clock and its diurnal activity: An experimental field and laboratory study. Chronobiology International 24(4):599-613. 2007.
Roll, U., T. Dayan, D. Simberloff, and M. Goren. Characteristics of the introduced fish fauna of Israel. Biological Invasions 9(7):813-824. 2007.
Kronfeld-Schor, N., and T. Dayan. Activity patterns of rodents: The physiological ecology of biological rhythms. Biological Rhythms Research 39(3):193-211. 2008.
Bar-Oz, G., and T. Dayan. On the use of the petrous bone for estimating cranial abundance in fossil assemblages. Journal of Archaeological Science 34(9):1356-1360. 2007.
Roll, U., T. Dayan, and D. Simberloff. Non-indigenous insect species in Israel and adjacent areas. Biological Invasions 9(6):629-643. 2007.
Roll, U., T. Dayan, and N. Kronfeld-Schor. On the role of phylogeny in determining activity patterns of rodents. Evolutionary Ecology 20(5):479-490. 2006.
Meiri, S., T. Dayan, and D. Simberloff. The generality of the island rule reexamined. Journal of Biogeography 33:1571-1577. 2006.
Pinter, N., T. Dayan, N. Kronfeld-Schor, and D. Eilam. Aggressive interactions between competing spiny mouse species. Journal of Mammalogy 87:48-53. 2006.
Meiri, S., T. Dayan, and D. Simberloff. Area, isolation, and size evolution in insular carnivores. Ecology Letters 8:1211-1217. 2005.
Dayan, T., and D. Simberloff. Ecological and community-wide character displacement: The next generation. Ecology Letters 8:875-894. 2005.
Bar-David, S., D. Saltz, and T. Dayan. Predicting the spatial dynamics of reintroduced populations – The Persian fallow deer. Ecological Applications 15(5):1833-1846. 2005.
Meiri, S., T. Dayan, and D. Simberloff. Variability and correlations in carnivore crania and dentition. Functional Ecology 19:337-343. 2005.
Meiri, S., D. Simberloff, and T. Dayan. Insular carnivore biogeography: Island area and mammalian optimal body size. American Naturalist 165(3):505-514. 2005.
Meiri, S., T. Dayan, and D. Simberloff. Variability and sexual size dimorphism in insular and mainland carnivores: a test of the niche variation hypothesis. Ecology 86(6):1432-1440. 2005.
Mandelik, Y., T. Dayan, and E. Feitelson. Issues and dilemmas in ecological scoping: Scientific, procedural and economic perspectives. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 23(1):55-63. 2005.
Haber, A., and T. Dayan. Analyzing the process of domestication: Hagoshrim as a case study. Journal of Archaeological Science 31:1587-1601. 2004.
Mandelik, Y., T. Dayan, and E. Feitelson. Planning for biodiversity: the role of ecological impact assessment. Conservation Biology 19(4):1254-1261. 2005.
Meiri, S., T. Dayan, and D. Simberloff. Biogeorgaphic patterns in the western Palearctic: the fasting endurance hypothesis and the status of Murphy's rule. Journal of Biogeography 32:369-375. 2005.
Weissbord, L., T. Dayan, D. Kaufman, and M. Evron. Micromammal taphonomy of el-Wad Terrace, Mt. Carmel, Israel: distinguishing cultural from natural depositional agents in the Late Natufian. Journal of Archaeological Science 32:1-17. 2005.
Bar-David, S., D. Saltz, T. Dayan, A. Perelberg, and A. Dolev. Demographic models and reality in reintroductions: the Persian fallow deer in Israel. Conservation Biology 19(1):131-138. 2005.
Gutman, R., and T. Dayan. Temporal partitioning between spiny mouse species: An experimental field study. Ecology 86(1):164-173. 2005.
Maurer, B., J. Alroy, J.H. Brown, T. Dayan, B. Enquist, S.K. Morgan Ernest, E. Hadly, J.P. Haskell, D. Jablonski, K.E. Lyons, D.M. Kaufman, K. Lyons, K.J. Niklas, W. Porter, K. Roy, F.A. Smith, B. Tiffney, and M.R. Willig. Similarities in body size distributions of small-bodied flying vertebrates. Evolutionary Ecology Research 6:783-797. 2004.
Smith, F.A., J.H. Brown, J.P. Haskell, S.K. Lyons, J. Alroy, E.L. Charnov, T. Dayan, B.J. Enquist, S.K.M. Ernest, E.A. Hadly, D. Jablonski, D.E. Jones, D.M. Kaufman, S.K. Lyons, P. Marquet, K. Niklas, B.A. Maurer, W. Porter, K. Roy, B. Tiffney, and M. Willig. Similarity of mammalian body size across the taxonomic hierarchy and across space and time. American Naturalist 163(5):672-691. 2004.
Meiri, S., T. Dayan, and D. Simberloff. Carnivores, biases and Bergmann's rule. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 81:579-588. 2004.
Meiri, S., T. Dayan, and D. Simberloff. Body size of insular carnivores: little support for the island rule. American Naturalist 163(3):469-479. 2004.
Bar-Oz, G., T. Dayan, M. Weinstein-Evron, and D. Kaufman. The Natufian economy at el-Wad Terrace with special reference to gazelle exploitation patterns. Journal of Archaeological Science 31:217-231. 2004.
Smith, F.A., S.K. Lyons, M. Ernest, S.K., K.E. Jones, D.M. Kaufman, T. Dayan, P.A. Marquet, J.H. Brown, and J.P. Haskell. The body mass of late Quaternary mammals. Ecology 84(3402). 2003.
Bar-Oz, G., and T. Dayan. 2003. Testing the use of multivariate taphonomic comparisons: The faunal analysis of Hefzibah in its Epipaleolithic cultural context. Journal of Archaeological Science 30(7):885-900. 2003.
Kronfeld-Schor, N., and T. Dayan. Partitioning of time as an ecological resource. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 34:153-181. 2003.
Mandelik, Y., M.E. Jones, and T. Dayan. Structurally complex habitat and sensory adaptations mediate the behavioral responses of a desert rodent to an indirect cue for increased predation risk. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 5: 501-515. 2003.
Meiri, S., and T. Dayan. On the validity of Bergmann's rule. Journal of Biogeography 30:331-351. 2003.
Dayan, T., D. Wool, and D. Simberloff. On the variation and covariation of carnivore skulls and teeth. Paleobiology 28(4):508-526. 2002.
Bar-Oz, G, and T. Dayan. “After 20 years”: A taphonomic re-evaluation of Nahal Hadera V, an Epipaleolithic site on the Israeli coastal plain. Journal of Archaeological Science 29:145-156. 2002.
Bar-Oz, G., and T. Dayan. Weasels from the Hellenistic Period of Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 47(4):271-273. 2001.
Ben-Moshe, A., T. Dayan, and D. Simberloff. Convergence in morphological patterns and community organization between Old and New World rodent guilds. American Naturalist 158(5):484-495. 2001.
Kronfeld-Schor, N., T. Dayan, M.E. Jones, I. Kremer, Y. Mandelik, M. Wollberg, Y. Yassur, and D.D. Gaton. Retinal structure and foraging microhabitat use of the golden spiny mouse (Acomys russatus). Journal of Mammalogy 82(4):1016-1025. 2001.
Zohar, I., T. Dayan, E. Galili, and E. Spanier. Fish processing during the early Holocene: a taphonomic case study from coastal Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science 28:1041-1053. 2001.
Kronfeld-Schor, N., T. Dayan, R. Elvert, A. Haim, N. Zisapel, and G. Heldmaier. On the use of the time axis for ecological separation: Diel rhythms as an evolutionary constraint. American Naturalist 158(4):451-457. 2001.
Jones, M.E., Y. Mandelik, and T. Dayan. Coexistence of temporally partitioned spiny mice: roles of habitat structure and foraging behavior. Ecology 82(8):2164-2176. 2001.
Kronfeld-Schor, N., Shargal, E., Haim, A., Dayan, T., N. Zisapel, and G. Heldmaier. Temporal partitioning among diurnally and nocturnally active desert spiny mice: Energy and water turnover costs. Journal of Thermal Biology 26:139-142. 2001.
Shargal, E., N. Kronfeld-Schor, and T. Dayan. Population biology and spatial relationships of coexisting spiny mice of the genus Acomys. Journal of Mammalogy 81(4):1046-1052. 2000.
Stone, L., T. Dayan, and D. Simberloff. On desert rodents, favored states, and unresolved issues: Scaling up and down regional assemblages and local communities. American Naturalist 156:322-328. 2000.
T. Dayan, C. Jones, and G. Ogura. Rapid character displacement and release in the small Indian mongoose, Herpestes javanicus. Ecology 81:2086-2099. 2000.
Bar-Oz, G., and T. Dayan. Invited comment on “The tortoise and the hare: small-game use, the broad-spectrum revolution, and Paleolithic demography”. Current Anthropology 41(1):59-60. 2000.
Acomys cahirinus and A. russatus, in the presence of Blandord's fox (Vulpes cana) odour. Journal of Chemical Ecology 26(2):455-469. 2000.
Jones, M. E., and T. Dayan. Foraging behaviour and microhabitat use of spiny mice,
Seasonal thermogenic acclimation of diurnally and nocturnally active desert spiny mice. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 73(1):37-44. 2000.
Kronfeld, N., A. Haim, T. Dayan, N. Zisapel, M. Klingenspor, and G. Heldmaier.
Animal Behaviour 58:1085-1093. 1999.
Eilam, D., T. Dayan, S. Ben-Eliyahu, I. Schulman, G. Shefer, and C. Hendrie. Differential behavioural and hormonal response of voles and spiny mice to owl calls: A possible role of individual differences, stimulus interpretation, and habitat structure.
Kronfeld, N., and T. Dayan. The dietary basis for temporal partitioning: Food habits of coexisting Acomys species. Oecologia. 121(1):123-128. 1999.
Shargal, E., L. Rath-Wolfson, N. Kronfeld, and T. Dayan. Ecological and histological aspects of tail-loss in spiny mice (Mammalia; Rodentia; Muridae) with a review of this phenomenon in rodents. Journal of Zoology, London. 249:187-193. 1999.
Bar-Oz, G., T. Dayan, and D. Kaufman. The Epi-Paleolithic faunal sequence in Israel: A view from Neve David. Journal of Archeological Science 26:67-82. 1999.
Kronfeld, N., and T. Dayan. A new method for determining rodent diets. Journal of Mammalogy 79(4):1198-1202. 1998.
Ronen, A., J.M. Burdukiewicz, S.A. Laukhin, Y. Winter, A. Tsatskin, T. Dayan, O.A. Kulikov, V.K. Vlasov, and V.V. Semenov. The Lower Palaeolithic site Bizat Ruhama in the northern Negev, Israel. Archaeologisches Korrespondenzblatt 28:163-1998.
Dayan, T., and D. Simberloff. Size patterns among competitors: Ecological character displacement and character release in mammals, with special reference to island populations. Mammal Review 28:99-124, 1998.
Pimm, S.L., and J.L. Gittleman. Carnivores and ecologists on the road to Damascus. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 5(3):70-73, 1990.
Dayan, T. Carnivore diversity in the Late Quaternary of Israel. Quaternary Research 41:343-349, 1994.
Dayan, T., and D. Simberloff. Morphological relationships among co-existing heteromyids: an incisive dental character. American Naturalist 143(3):462-477, 1994.
Dayan, T. The impact of Quaternary paleoclimatic change on the carnivores of Israel. Water Science and Technology 27(7-8):497-504, 1993.
Dayan, T., D. Simberloff, E. Tchernov, and Y. Yom-Tov. Canine carnassials: Character displacement among the wolves, jackals, and foxes of Israel. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 45(4):315-331, 1992.
Simberloff, D., and T. Dayan. Guilds and the structure of ecological communities. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 22:115-143, 1991.
Dayan, T., D. Simberloff, E. Tchernov, and Y. Yom-Tov. Calibrating the paleo-thermometer: Climate, communities, and the evolution of size. Paleobiology 17(2):189-199, 1991.
Dayan, T., D. Simberloff, E. Tchernov, and Y. Yom-Tov. Feline canines: community-wide character displacement in the small cats of Israel. American Naturalist 136(1):39-60, 1990.
Dayan, T., E. Tchernov, Y. Yom-Tov, and D. Simberloff. Ecological character displacement in Saharo-Arabian Vulpes: Outfoxing Bergmann's rule. Oikos 55:263-272, 1989.
Dayan, T., D.Simberloff, E. Tchernov, and Y. Yom-Tov. Inter- and intraspecific character displacement in mustelids. Ecology 70(5):1526-1539, 1989.
Dayan, T., and E. Tchernov. On the first occurrence of the common weasel (Mustela nivalis) in the fossil record of Israel. Mammalia 52(2):165-168, 1988.
Tchernov, E., T. Dayan, and Y. Yom-Tov. The paleogeography of Gazella gazella and Gazella dorcas during the Holocene of the southern Levant. Israel Journal of Zoology 34:51-59, 1987.
Dayan, T., E. Tchernov, O. Bar-Yosef, and Y. Yom-Tov. Animal exploitation in Ujrat el-Mehed, a Neolithic site in southern Sinai. Paleorient 12(2):105-116, 1986.